How to Get Your Business Noticed

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Have you ever gone to a great store or restaurant that you love but wonder why it isn’t busy? If its food or products are so great, why hasn’t the word spread?

Or worse, your favorite business goes out of business. I was recently at a cafe tucked on a side street that had the most AMAZING European coffee (if you know the difference, you know what I’m talking about!) and customer service.

But it was empty.

What the..?

I asked why this wonderful little spot wasn’t on fire. The manager replied, “We’re usually just busy on the weekends.” That is not a sustainable business model!

When I offered a suggestion to the manager on how to get more exposure, it was clear that he had never thought of ways to get the business noticed. It was almost as though he had resigned himself to the fact that their customer numbers were just the way they were.

This can’t be farther from the truth.

As an entrepreneur, you may be wondering yourself:

How to get your business noticed

Or maybe this is the first time you asked yourself this question! Sometimes we get so caught up in the pretty website, the business card, the LLC and forget that we actually need clients!

But if you want more exposure, there are more important questions you need to ask first. If you want more leads, more clients, and more income, watch my latest vlog below to discover how to get your business noticed:

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