4 Motivation Tips for the Days You Don’t Want to Do Anything

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You know those days: You wake up and you have to work on your business but everything inside of you screams like a 2 year old: “I don’t WANNA!” Perhaps there is a particular project that you find yourself constantly putting off?

This is what I call RESISTANCE.

And it is an entrepreneur’s worst enemy.

In fact, I’d say it is the one thing that inhibits our success the most. All too often we are swayed by our “feelings.”

Now I don’t know about you, but my feelings could change multiple times in a day! Feelings are not always a reliable source of information. And if we always waited to feel motivated to do something, we wouldn’t get anything done (I mean who is motivated to change a child’s diaper, right?).

Motivation comes parallel to action. We just need a little push sometimes.

Committing to Pushing Through

So for the purpose of this blog post, let’s assume that the thing you are resisting is something you KNOW you must do to push your business forward but the motivation isn’t coming easily.

For example, you know you need to have clients to generate income in your business but you aren’t picking up the phone to ask for referrals. Or you are creating an online course but find yourself constantly putting off making videos. So we first have to establish one thing…


Because commitment doesn’t change no matter how you feel. You’re either in or you’re out.

Commitment is a ‘do what it takes’ attitude, not a ‘when I feel like it’ thing. So you first need to ask yourself how badly you want the outcome or goal you ultimately want to reach.

I always find that starting from the big picture first, and getting realigned to your BIG “WHY” is the most powerful.

4 Motivation Tips You Can Use Today

So let’s assume you are committed but you’re just feeling a bit stuck. Here are 4 tips to get you out of your funk:

1. Up Your Accountability.

There is a reason why we are more successful at losing weight when we hire a personal trainer and why those coming out of rehab are encouraged to live in sober housing.

Our community has a huge effect on our behavior and when we are creating new habits, we often need more accountability to prevent slip-ups. This is why I set up every participant in my business programs with an accountability partner. We do better when someone else is watching.

So I suggest calling a friend or colleague and asking them to hold your feet to the fire. If you need to get something done that day, ask them to check in with you by 5pm to report on your progress.

If you really want to increase the stakes, add a consequence (check out www.stickk.com). I’ve had many clients all of a sudden find motivation when the consequence for not getting it done was to monetarily contribute to the Trump organization. 🙂

2. Treat yourself.

Sometimes we are more motivated by a positive reward rather than avoiding a negative consequence.

When I’m feeling unmotivated I look at creative ways to make the project into a game. I may set a timer to provide a competitive edge or give myself a prize after completion (like a massage or an indulgent chocolate treat).

What would be a great way to celebrate completing your accomplishment? Choose a fun reward and get into action!

3. Do one small thing.

The brain is easily overwhelmed.

If what you need to get done is part of a larger project, it can feel like looking at a huge mountain and thinking “How am I going to get to the top of this thing?”

Well, you do it one step at a time. Instead of looking at all the to-dos, see if there is just ONE thing you can do that will move the project forward.

If you need to make a video, start by just making the script today. Or if you are writing your book, set a timer for 30 minutes and just write whatever you can in that short amount of time.

It is a lot easier to move a boulder that already has been rolling. Chances are that when you start to take small action, you’ll feel motivated to continue.

4. Do nothing.

It may not be realistic to take this step all the time, but if you don’t have a strict deadline, your lack of motivation may be a sign of burn-out.

You actually may need to listen to your body and do absolutely nothing.

One day my body and mind was screaming a huge “NO” to doing work. But my to-do list was long. A dear friend and colleague I spoke to insisted I actually listen. I didn’t have any clients that day and there weren’t any pressing deadlines.

The need to work was a self-imposed internal expectation, not external. It was counterintuitive to my Type A personality but I took the coaching. I stayed in my PJ’s and watched Harry Potter all. damn. day. I ate what I wanted and even skipped yoga. I just let myself chill and I didn’t judge myself (this is important).

The next day I had renewed energy and motivation to work again because I had given myself permission to take time off and rest.

Just Do It

If you are feeling stuck and unmotivated, I hope that one of these steps can get you back on the path.

If you find that even with trying these tips, you are still not taking action then it may be time to dive even deeper. There could be a bigger mindset block that needs to be addressed. Our subconscious fears or misalignments can manifest as procrastination or a lack of motivation.

This is what coaches, masterminds, and therapists are good for! So be sure to get the support you need. I promise, you aren’t alone.

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