Are you always waiting for the “right time”?
When considering things that block us from having what we really want, it always comes down to how we’re thinking.
Most of us have been trained to think analytically, and so we attempt to solve our problems with formulaic processes. This is not to say being analytical is a bad thing —it is better than making rash decisions or not planning at all.
However, it is important to notice how this process may be hindering us from having what we want.
The Most Common Barrier to Success
Let’s talk about the most common barrier to our success. I call it the “When/Then” trap. When we want something, we often believe that we have to achieve something first before we can have our desired outcome.
For example, “When I make more money, then I’ll be happy.” Or, “When I have the time, I will work on my business.” Or, “When I am 5 pounds skinnier, then I’ll love my body.”
Why is This a Trap?
When we engage in this kind of thinking, we keep ourselves in a constant state of suspense. We are literally waiting to take action on our goals — waiting for a later time, waiting for our circumstances to improve or waiting for something outside of us to be different before we can get results.
On a subconscious level, we are telling our brain that we don’t need to take action until “tomorrow.” We don’t need to change anything until we get some sort of sign or direction from an external source.
But when tomorrow comes, our mind generally finds another reason to wait for tomorrow’s “better time.”
There’s Never a “Better Time”
Before we know it, we are constantly putting things off, waiting for everything to align —and, frankly, they rarely do. A year later we, find ourselves in the same place. The transformation needs to happen within us before we can effect external change.
The change we want happens as a result of our internal transformation, independent of our circumstances.
Sometimes, I’ll meet someone who wants to work with me, but they put off a start date. They want to have just a few months to save the money and be in a better financial place to expand their business. Ironically, they’re coming to me because they’re not generating enough money in their business, or seeing the results they want.
No one has ever come back to me months later and said, “I’m finally ready. I did it! I saved my money and I can start working with you now.”
That’s because nature abhors a vacuum. Even when someone has the discipline to save money (which many don’t), something else usually comes up. Because they don’t have the support or the mindset training, financial issues — or some other circumstance — will fill that space again and again. So they will repeat the habit of putting off the thing that they want because the circumstances will never be right.
Where Real Change Comes From
Most change comes at the level of being. A shift in your internal state must precede a shift in your results.
The ultimate human illusion is that our circumstances will finally give us what we think is lacking inside.
In reality, you need to start filling your insides to bring about the changes you want on the outside.
You need to love yourself and then you’ll lose 5 pounds. You need to be disciplined and find time in your schedule to work on your business. You need to find your happiness and then you will be motivated to make more money.
This may seem counter-intuitive. But if you have been in the “when/then” mindset, you likely have not progressed. You need to do and think differently in order to get a different result.
The Right Time
There is no such thing as a “right” time.
Ask any parent and they’ll say, no matter how much preparation they put in, there is no right time to have a child.
This is also true for business. The time is right when you say it is.
The time is right when you commit. When you say yes to yourself regardless of the circumstances. When you shift to “I will do this no matter what” or “I will find a way despite my circumstances.” then and there you will have the freedom and ability to create real change in your life.
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